Health and Wellbeing
Where and how we live can have direct impacts on our health. With this in mind, Hensford Park has been designed to encourage healthier living.
By providing a wide range of everyday facilities close to homes, it will be easier for people to walk or cycle. This not only helps to provide simple exercise, it reduces pollution linked to motorised transport, and separates people and traffic, improving safety.
The development will provide open space, accessible to new and existing residents, which enables people to maintain healthy lifestyles and to enjoy the landscape and open air. Hensford Park will meet the ‘Building for a Healthy Life’ standards.
This design code, supported by Homes England as well as the NHS, covers the priorities for creating healthier communities, including improved walking, cycling and public transport links, with reduced carbon emissions and better air quality
It encourages integrated neighbourhoods of a range of house types and tenures, built around and alongside well-defined public spaces.
Community facilities, such as shops, schools, workplaces, health facilities, co-working spaces, parks, play spaces, cafés and other meeting places should respond to local community needs.
As well as encouraging physical activity neighbourhoods like this can help those affected by loneliness and isolation.