The Site
Much of the Teignbridge landscape is noted for beauty and its ecological importance with designations including Area of Great Landscape Value and Undeveloped Coast.
The site of Hensford Park is not covered by any of these designations and is, for the most part, monocultural agricultural land which is of low ecological value.
Land which has been farmed for many years for only one or two crops is generally not particularly biodiverse because it has been used to grow only one or two species, and has been treated with pesticides to support those species and discourage others.
Hensford Park sits to the north west of Dawlish in an area already seen as suitable to accommodate some of the growth the town requires. It is immediately adjacent to land already set aside for residential development north of Secmaton Lane, where a new link road has been approved by Devon County Council.
The site is well placed to provide excellent active and sustainable transport links to existing facilities, such as Shutterton Industrial Estate, Sainsbury’s supermarket and Dawlish Country Park. Dawlish Warren railway station to the east, and Dawlish Town Centre, Dawlish Leisure Centre and beaches to the south are also close by.
The land consists of 12 fields which form part of a farm and its associated buildings. Development is planned in the lower parts of the site, with higher areas designated for green space for people and nature.
These higher areas sit to the southern and western parts of the site. Here, existing trees, hedges and landscape features would be incorporated into a green infrastructure network which would form part of the biodiversity improvements the masterplan offers.
Most of the site is in Flood Zone 1 – which means it is at lowest risk of flooding – with some areas on the northern, eastern and southern boundaries in zones 2 and 3. These areas would be incorporated into the open space for nature and leisure.